Weekend Court Availability, Tournaments, Challenge Ladder

Heard Around The Courts…


The Mixed Doubles Tournament is this weekend.  All courts will be reserved from 8am ~ 3pm on Saturday, and from 8am ~ 1pm on Sunday.  Semifinals and finals are on Sunday, so come out to support our Olympians.  Good luck to all participants!

Challenge Ladder Sign-Up

Ten people indicated their interest in a tennis ladder.  That’s enough to get started, at least for the remainder of this season.  Hopefully some more of you will choose to join in.  The plan is for the ladder to carry over to next season, so even if you can only play a few times this year, you may want to get on board.  If you would like to participate, please send an email to me (dsmith9.stc@gmail.com) and copy Scott Zenack (sazenack@comcast.net).  Over the next week or so I will set up the software we will use to run the ladder and send out instructions and rules to participants.

Reservation System

The reservation system pilot has been going for two weeks, and seems to be working well.  (At least, I have heard no complaints so far!)  If you have any issues or questions, contact me or use the Suggestion Box on the Members Only page of the website.  At the end of the pilot we will send out a survey for your feedback.

One question came up: how long to wait if someone has a court booked but does not show up?  (I think that this was a hypothetical question).  We’ve decided to use the old college standard: if your professor is 10 minutes late, you can leave.  So, after 10 minutes, the booking is considered cancelled and the court is free.  We want to carefully track No-Shows, so If this happens, please send me an email with the name of the defaulting member.  I will take, um, corrective action.  If you have a court booked but can’t make it, you can easily cancel the reservation, either through the app or via the confirmation email that was sent to you when you made the reservation.

If you aren’t on the reservation system yet, download the Skedda app from your phone’s app store, then click on this link: https://bit.ly/STCReservationInvite, then set up your account.

Singles Tournament

The Singles Tournament will be held over two weekends: Sept 7-8 and Sept 14-15.   We will have two divisions, A and B.  In addition, if enough women indicate interest, we will offer a separate women’s division.  The A division will be completed the first weekend.  Expect the courts to be fully booked that weekend.  The B division will require both weekends, but there won’t be many matches on the second weekend, so court will be generally available.  I will send out more information about signing up before the end of the month.  Once again, Ram Chakrapani will be running the Tournament.  If you have any questions, contact Ram at sreeram_chakrapani@yahoo.com.

Brown Billone

The Brown Billone club in Easton has long offered a discounted membership for current STC members.  Click here if you would like to find out more:


See you on the courts!

Dan Smith


