STC Newsletter – May 22

Happenings On and Off the Court

Greetings STC Heads,

All of a sudden, the hot weather is here.  Stay hydrated!

Open House Follow-Up.  The Open House last Saturday was a big success.  In spite of the dire forecast, the weather worked out fine.  We had a good number of members who joined us in addition to 10 or 15 prospective members.  We had the BBQ going with yours truly acting as grill master.  It was a good day.  We may do this more often.

Women’s Social.  The next big event is the Women’s Social, coming up on Saturday, June 1 (rain date Sunday).  As usual the event is being run by Janet Wenzel.  From Janet:  “Join us for a fun day at the Women's Social.  It starts at 11:00.  $10.00 per person.  Get to meet new players at all levels.  Light snacks, water and Gatorade will be provided.”  Please contact Janet at to sign up or for more info.

Tournaments.  Several of you have been asking about tournament dates.  These are still being finalized.  We will let you know the dates soon.

Teamreach.  Teamreach is the app that we are piloting to enable members to interact with each other, schedule matches, and share information.  Our group code is “STCTennis”.  Please consider joining the group.  You can find more information and a link for downloading the app on the Members Only page of our website.

Racquet Stringing.  Getting your racquet restrung can be a pain, especially if you want it done right.  Mark Brass ( has been providing racquet stringing service to our members for many years.  Many of you have taken advantage of this and he does a great job.  Now you have another option: member Andy Nnewihe ( owns a great little shop in Walpole called Icon Tennis and Pickleball.  Member Bob McAfee gets his racquets strung there and told me that his racquets have never played better.  Coming from a nationally-ranked player, that’s quite an endorsement.  Andy is offering all STC members $5 off their first racquet stringing.

Waiting for a court.  We keep our membership low enough that getting on court is usually not a problem, but there are times that the club can be busy.  Just a reminder of our policy when you are on court and someone is waiting: You are allowed to finish your set.  If you are not playing a set (just hitting), then you must vacate the court after a total of 45 minutes.  The good news is that you rarely have to wait long to get back on court.

Port-a-Potty.  Someone tipped over the port-a-potty Monday night and again Tuesday night.  Unsurprisingly, this made a disgusting mess.  I apologize to the Tuesday Round Robin group and any others who had to deal with a less-than-pristine toilet.  It is being replaced tomorrow morning with a clean one.  The police have been notified and will be doing extra patrols of the club in the coming nights.

Bottle Filler.  In an earlier email I mentioned that the bottle filler was broken.  It has been repaired and is working.  Let me know if there is another problem.  In fact, if there is a problem with any aspect of the facilities, please let us know by using the Suggestion Box feature of the Members Only page.

Late Fee.  Just a reminder to any delinquent members, there will be a $25 late fee added to your dues, starting June 1.  Thank you to those members who have recently paid.

New Members.  Finally, please join me in welcoming members who have joined since the last newsletter: Vlad Leopard, John Mapili and family, and Dan Coughlin.

See you on the courts!

Dan Smith
