May 3rd Newsletter

We are open!

Come on down!

We’ve had some rain, so some courts have been closed, but overall, the courts are playing fine. They are still a little soft, so please do not play on them if there is any standing water or you are making depressions. Remember to check the website to see if courts are closed. On Wednesday some members decided to play on Court 3 even though it was closed. They damaged the area behind the near baseline. This impacts all members and can cause season-long damage. There is a foam court roller hanging by the banner on Court 1. If you need to remove standing water from the court, use the roller. Do not use a broom. And please remember to re-hang the roller when you are done.

Bottle Filler. I apologize that the bottle filler has been out of commission. Unfortunately it is an “indoor” model and was not installed properly, so it is proving difficult to keep working. We will endeavor to fix it soon.

Open House May 18. We will be hosting our first Open House on Saturday May 18 from 11-3. (Rain date May 19). This will be a fun tennis and social event to kick off the season, so plan on joining us. This is also an opportunity for us to showcase our club to new prospective members. Please help spread the word and invite your non-member tennis friends. We need a couple of volunteers to help with planning and execution. If you are willing to help, shoot me an email.

SPEC Tennis Introduction. Just a reminder that this Sunday May 5 from 2pm-5pm we will be hosting an Introduction to SPEC Tennis. SPEC is a fun alternative to both tennis and pickleball. It is played on a half-sized court, using paddles and low-pressure kids tennis balls. As experienced tennis players, you will find it very easy to pick up SPEC. We have a group of experienced SPEC players who will provide equipment and instruction. Feel free to bring your own drinks and snacks for a social after play. For more information on SPEC, check out If you have questions about the event, contact Scott Zenack ( If you’d like to participate, please register by going to our website Calendar or just follow this link: Feel free to just show up on Sunday.

Misc Reminders
  • Request for Pictures.  If you have photos of the club that we can use on our website, please send them to me.
  • Website Members Only Area.  The Members Only page on our website is now up.  The password is “redclay2024”.
  • TeamReach.  Please consider joining our TeamReach group “STCTennis.”  It’s a great virtual place to meet other members and arrange matches.  You can find more information in the Members Only area of the website.
  • Suggestion Box.  There is a suggestion box in the Members Only area if you wish to offer feedback or ideas.
  • DUES.  It wouldn’t be a newsletter without a dues reminder.  There will be a $25 late fee starting June 1.  Can you believe that some members who have not paid have been spotted playing?  Don’t be that guy.

See you on the courts!

Dan Smith
