STC News – 7/8

Heard Around The Courts…

Doubles Tournament.

It’s time for our first tournament of the season!  We will be hosting the 2024 STC Open Doubles Tournament on the weekend of July 20th and 21st.  Tournament Directors are Janet Wenzel and Scott Zenack.  This event is open to all STC members.  There will be separate A, B+, and B level draws if there are enough teams entered.  Players of both genders and mixed doubles teams are welcome, but there will not be separate draws based on gender.  Depending on the number of teams, early rounds may be set up in a round robin or group play format rather than single elimination. The  B and B+ divisions will likely start earlier in the morning than the A division, at least on the Saturday.  Before signing up, players should ensure they are available both days.  

Please sign up by Sunday, July 14th by emailing Scott Zenack at
If you have difficulty finding a partner, let us know.  We'll help, but we cannot guarantee that we'll be able to match players up.  The tournament entry fee is $10 per person ($20 per team).  Tennis balls, snacks, and drinks will be provided. 

To help ensure a competitive and fun event, the tournament directors reserve the right to make any final decision if there is a question on the division / level of a player or team.

Finally, a reminder that the Mixed Doubles Tournament will be held August 17th and 18th.  More on this later.

Court 1 Repair Project.

I am sure it is apparent to everyone that Court 1 is a problem.  This is the original court of the club and is over 100 years old.  It has always been the hardest to maintain, but this year the problem with drainage after a heavy rain has become severe.  The main problem is that the court can no longer drain out the back left corner, towards which the court is sloped, because of a buildup of material outside and inside the court in that area.  I am looking for volunteers to help me excavate.  I believe that 4 or 5 of us could knock it out in an hour or two on a Saturday.  Please email me if you are willing to help.  I’d like to get this done in the next few weeks.

Other Items.

Sweeping.  It is an age-old debate: Do you sweep across the courts or from front to back?  We each have our own preference.  It turns out that the ideal pattern is a spiral pattern from outside to inside (google it).  But let’s face it, most of us are not going to do that.  So, spiral technique aside, the right answer is from front to back.  When Mark rolls the courts, which he does on most days, he does so side-to-side, dragging a broom behind him.  By sweeping from front-to-back you help counteract the build-up of clay along the sidelines.  So please, sweep front-to-back.

Password.  Reminder that the password to the Members Only page of the website is “redclay2024”.  Shhhh. It’s a secret.

Remember to stay hydrated in this crazy heat.

See you on the courts!

Dan Smith
